20. Boy Eats Girl (2005)
Boy Eats Girl isn’t exactly lauded by audiences, scoring a measly 5.1/10 on IMDB. Nevertheless, the cheap laughs and a fantastically gory encounter with a combine harvester manages to scrape Boy Eats Girl onto the bottom of the list.

19. Cockney vs Zombies (2012)
Does what it says on the tin. If you want to see Cockneys fight off a hoard of Zombies then this is the movie for you. Cheesy & campy fun.

18. Black Sheep (2006)
A phenomenally bizarre concept played completely straight makes this tale about killer sheep a unique viewing experience.

17. Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)
The ultimate B-Movie, Killer Klowns jumps from one bizarre set piece to another. You might never quite be able to comprehend what's going on, but Killer Klowns will keep you entertained for its 88-minute duration.

16. Piranha 3D (2010)
Piranha 3D has been described as “Everything Snakes on a Plane should have been." It knows exactly what it is and revels in it. Piranha 3D is trashy fun.
*Empire Magazine Review

15. Grabbers (2012)
When a monster begins terrorizing a small Irish town, its inhabitants must become incredibly drunk to survive the alcohol allergic creature. Grabbers might spend its 90 minutes run time focused on one joke, but it's a great joke. What’s not to like?
![Tremors [1990]](https://borrowingtape.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/8053172.png)
14. Tremors (1990)
In the spirit of the 50’s horror movies, Tremors presents a brilliant B-Movie world, with just enough shocks to keep tension high while providing plenty of laughs.
![Young Frankenstein [1974]](https://borrowingtape.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/9831047_orig.jpg)
13. Young Frankenstein (1974)
Mel Brooks’ affectionate parody of Hammer Horror movies may not be his best but it’s certainly a strong entry in his filmography. The charismatic cast pulls the film together with a bombastic performance by Gene Wilder and his co-star Marty Feldman (pictured).

12. The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
The Cabin in the Woods brands itself as a Horror-Comedy although it's certainly more of the former than the latter. Packed with references to Horror films of old, Cabin in the Woods is the ultimate love-letter to the genre. While it provides plenty of jump scares and a stunning elevator set piece, it’s short on laughs and can’t quite decide what genre it fits in.
![Little Shop of Horrors [1986]](https://borrowingtape.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/595114_orig.jpg)
11. Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
Any film starring Rick Moranis as a nerdy florist alongside singing killer plants is bound to be a surreal experience. The film is a lesson in camp humour and your feet will be tapping to the soundtrack for days.
![Braindead (Dead Alive) [1992]](https://borrowingtape.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/1279501_orig.jpg)
10. Braindead (Dead Alive) (1992)
Director Peter Jackson cut his teeth on bloody horror comedies and Braindead is the best of the bunch. Some might find the gore too extreme but it all adds to a fantastic romp of a film.

9. Scary Movie (2000)
Scary Movie relishes in its juvenile, gross-out comedy. It isn’t the most intelligent film (or intelligent at all for that matter) but it provides lots of laughs. It fantastically toes the line between parody and toilet humour, something that was lost in the rest of the “‘Fill in the Blank’ movie” series.
![Attack the Block [2011]](https://borrowingtape.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/7385830.jpg)
8. Attack the Block (2011)
When aliens land in South London, it’s up to a group of delinquent teenagers to save the planet. Attack the Block excels in challenging pre-conceived perceptions of race and class, although often heavy handed in this approach. The aliens may not be that terrifying in their design - but that doesn’t stop the film from being excellent bruv.

7. Gremlins (1984)
Gremlins takes an early twist when it is revealed that the cute and cuddly creatures can turn into vicious monsters. The dark humour laced through the violence and mayhem makes Gremlins an instant classic. Just remember, don’t feed them after midnight.
![Zombieland [2009]](https://borrowingtape.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/9612805_orig.jpg)
6. Zombieland (2009)
Rule Number 2 - The double tap. Right from the outset, Zombieland shows itself to be an intelligent homage to horror films and fantastically funny. The intro sequence is one of the best openings to a movie in recent times and later features a hilariously unexpected cameo. Zombieland proves that even the most overused horror monster can still have life injected into it.
![Evil Dead II [1987]](https://borrowingtape.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/2280313_orig.jpg)
5. Evil Dead II (1987)
Evil Dead II took what made the original great and turned it up to eleven. Incredibly self-aware, the over the top blood and gore contributes to Bruce Campbell’s wild performance as Ash Williams. Low-budget insanity.
![What We Do in the Shadows [2014]](https://borrowingtape.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/9093100_orig.jpg)
4. What We Do in the Shadows (2014)
What happens when four vampires houseshare in New Zealand? Complete unfettered chaos. This mockumentary may not be the most terrifying movie but its cast of characters including the loveable Viago & Nosferatu inspired Petyr play off each other perfectly to create outlandish situations that make What We Do in the Shadows one of the best comedies in recent years.
![An American Werewolf in London [1981]](https://borrowingtape.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/9358255_orig.jpg)
3. An American Werewolf in London (1981)
An American Werewolf in London is one of the rare films which balance the two genres perfectly. Genuinely scary with practical effects and makeup beyond its time, the movie never fails to shock. But despite all this, the set pieces are genuinely funny and incredibly quotable.

2. Shaun of the Dead (2004)
The greatest ever Rom-Zom-Com (perhaps the only Rom-Zom-Com) is incredibly smart, with a continuous run of jokes and references to horror films of old. Shaun of the Dead is over the top silly fun, but balances that with nuanced characters who you genuinely care about.

1. Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010)
Tucker and Dale is best watched knowing nothing about it beforehand. This film has laugh out loud moments and on the edge of your seat tension in equal measure. All that’s left to wonder is whether the two unlikely leads will ever be able to fix up their dream holiday house.