Fan Made
A Life in Motion Pictures: Extensive Careers of Famous Actors in 6 Snapshots – Pt.1
If an actor's lucky, they'll have a career that spans for a long time. We, the viewing public have a...
Movie Trailer Mashup Videos of 2014
Ah, nostalgia. It’s only a few weeks into 2015, but it doesn’t hurt to glance back at the films that have gotten noticed in 2014. Youtube user Sleepy Skunk has edited together the highlights of 2014 movie trailers into (a little over)...
Films in Only 9 Frames
Tumblr has it all. Really it does. Here’s a slideshow (boasting 126 images, so get comfy) dedicated to showcasing a film...
18 8-Bit Gifs of Classic Films
Inspired by a selection of popular films, Dusan Cezek has made these 8-bit gifs to represent them in all their glory. Like what...