The Wrath of Becky is a sequel to the 2020 violent and, at times comical revenge film Becky. Starring Lulu Wilson as she reprises her role as the teenage orphan who seems to find herself going toe to toe with the worst kind of people that America has to offer: fascists. In this brand-new franchise installment that has garnered a cult following, Becky squares off against a handful of guys from a group called The Noble Men. A group of white nationalists kill someone close to her and steal her dog.
When we meet Becky in this sequel, now a few years older, wiser, with a very “over it” attitude regarding any sort of inconvenience. This attitude works well but becomes tiresome by the third act and makes her feel cartoonish but suits the graphic novel feel of the film. She matches up well against the antagonists of the film: The Noble Men, a Proud Boys-esque group of white nationalists who do Becky wrong after an altercation they have with her at her job. From there, the formula of the previous film begins. Becky takes the fight to them, finding their compound and playing a violent game that feels like something out of a Home Alone film—setting up traps for these men that lead them to their violent demise. Wilson is terrific in how she handles putting an end to these men's racist rhetoric; she’s the title role, and once again, it’s her movie. In this climate and state of the world, audiences should find joy in her actions, despite the comedy that comes with them.

The standout supporting role would have to go to Seann William Scott. Who once again pops up in an indie film portraying a role he isn’t widely known for, this time being a high-ranking leader in The Noble Men, basically the villain of the movie. Scott’s performance is quiet yet assertive, alarming because of how calm he is—knowing that if he loses control of himself—it's bad news for whoever is in his path. It’s hard to tell what his character is thinking despite audiences disagreeing with his ideology. It’s good to see Scott going against the grain of the comedic roles he has been known for. Outside of Scott’s compelling performance, it is hard to believe Becky is ever in danger, as the other men in the group can come off as bumbling idiots, which in turn hurts the escalating action of the film at times.
Directors Matt Angel and Suzanne Coote come to the material with a style that some may pick apart but others will enjoy. With no involvement in the previous film, they crafted a story that carried the lead character's story arc well. The Wrath of Becky delivers on action and its antagonist's comeuppance and Lulu Wilson can do no wrong in the title role. The film's tight eighty-three-minute runtime satisfies genre fans to the average moviegoer who wants to see a fascist get theirs.

Watch The Wrath of Becky