In his supernaturally-charged psychological thriller, director Clive Tonge centers his story on the case of a psychologist named Kate Fuller who is involved in an investigation where a mother is guilty of killing her husband in his sleep.
A documentary filmmaker sets out to prove that alien abductees are merely suffering from False Memory Syndrome, but upon meeting a young woman with a mysterious past begins to discover something more.
In the twenty-third installment of the James Bond series, Skyfall, tension surfaces between Agent 007 and M after a questionable decision out in the field.
Terminal wraps together the tales of assassins who take on a mysterious mission, an ill English teacher facing his inevitable demise, a curious janitor, and the double life of a strange waitress working in the middle of the night at a seedy 24-hour diner.
With Steven Soderbergh at the helm, Unsane was hotly anticipated by critics and fans alike especially with the surprise hit that was Logan Lucky last year.