Gone Girl [2014] is a drama/mystery/thriller (directed by David Fincher) which follows Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) as the disappearance of his wife, Amy (Rosamund Pike) creates massive national media coverage to decipher whether he’s guilty or innocent.
No spoilers. As the story unfolds and more details are revealed concerning their tumultuous relationship, the more you’ll switch from one side to the other. It’s in the subtleties at first, then the big reveal. We are first the news audience, knowing only what is shown on the surface. Fincher slowly feeds us behind-the-scenes knowledge and creates an uncomfortably close for comfort intimacy with the characters. Who are these people? Who can I trust? What happened to Amy, this girl who has now gone? If you haven't read the book, then you will find out. Gillian Flynn is the screenwriter of Gone Girl, who adapted her successful book of the same name to a screenplay, this impressive story is sure to intrigue. This paired with Fincher's even-handed direction really takes us for a ride.
Great casting. Rosamund Pike gives a highly captivating and haunting performance as the missing wife, Amy Dunne. A performance so solid it has earned her a Golden Globe nomination. Let’s hope she wins it, because it would be richly deserved. Tyler Perry (yes, that very one) appears in a minor but visibly valuable role, as Tanner Bolt (Nick Dunne’s attorney). Perry provides the comedy relief in what is a tense and disturbing film. Neil Patrick Harris plays Desi Collings, an old boyfriend of Amy, who is painstakingly pivotal to the morbid goings-on in Gone Girl. This reminds me that the art direction, costume design, and cinematography should be highlighted in this film, the interior, and exterior of the sets fit so well with the intent of the direction, which is something like a chef's kiss.
Impressive original score. Now to tie in the acting, story, directing, is the wonderfully composed score by Atticus Ross and NIN band member Trent Reznor. It is the perfect accompaniment to the morbidly mysterious tale.
It’s a heavy watch. No doubt a thick and foreboding cloud of deep thought will linger above your head after the film ends. It stays with you a while after watching it. It's not a spoiler to say that it will be an intriguing, morbidly engrossing ride for the whole one hundred and forty-nine minutes.
The character is important.
An iconic and engaging film made with all of the right ingredients - a great cast, director, and screenplay.