Uncut Gems is the latest film written and directed by the Safdie brothers after the release of the critically acclaimed crime thriller Good Time. Adam Sandler stars as a jeweler in the Diamond District named Howard Ratner who must regain a rare opal to pay off his debts to some dangerous people in New York.
Sandler is back! Adam Sandler completely crushes it, and his outstanding performance is easily the best part of the entire movie. While he’s known for making a lot of terrible comedies such as Jack and Jill and Grown Ups, he is an amazing actor when he’s given the right material to work with. After starring in some wonderful movies like The Meyerowitz Stories and Punch-Drunk Love, the audience is starting to realize that he’s quite talented in serious roles. His character is undeniably a bit of a scumbag, yet you still care about his motivation, and Sandler shows that very well. Without a doubt, this is the best performance from his acting career.
“This is how I win.” The Safdie brothers’ phenomenal screenplay should be commended for featuring some of the best dialogue in a drama and/or thriller. Whenever characters are talking to one another, you get deeply invested in what they’re saying, which is a very important aspect of a movie like this. Some of them constantly go back and forth when they’re speaking, and it feels so real.
So much tension! Uncut Gems does such a fantastic job getting you on the edge of your seats. It’s super intense because the situations that Howard is going through will keep your anxiety up. The tension adds a lot to the film’s stunning cinematography and brilliant editing, and it makes it feel well-paced and suspenseful from start to finish. There’s never a dull moment, which simply showcases the Safdie brothers’ talent in thriller filmmaking. Even Daniel Lopatin’s musical score cleverly elevates the level of pressure that our main protagonist is facing throughout.
Uncut Gems is a riveting cinematic experience.
It will leave you shaken the moment it ends, which is the biggest compliment you can give to a movie like this. It makes you look forward to seeing more compelling thrillers from the Safdie brothers, while also keeping you excited to see what upcoming roles Adam Sandler will eventually take on in the future.

Watch Uncut Gems Now