Picking up the Golden Globe for Best Animated Feature, Flow emerged as one of 2024’s freshest animated movies with its moving tale of a cat surviving a catastrophic flood.
Family Portrait is a 2023 film that follows a large family on a morning when they have planned a group picture. We sat down with Lucy Kerr on her new film Family Portrait, discussing her artistic influences, technical choices, and thematic elements of the drama feature.
In Camera Writer / Director Naqqash Khalid breaks down his new release, how he got inspired by "the angry young men" of British cinema, and the racial and moral ambiguity of his "alien" protagonist Aden.
This interview finds writer-director Ari Kruger elaborating on the situational Coens-inspired humour of his film, The Shakedown, his jump from TV sitcoms to a feature-length production, and even the representation of male sex dolls in cinema.
The following interview includes a discussion about Pascal Plante inspirations for 2023 crime thriller Red Rooms, ranging from the works of Michael Haneke to the transnational hit, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
A slapstick action comedy that has been growing in popularity since its release in 2022. Director Mike Cheslik discusses the filmmaking process, the worldbuilding, Cheslik’s cinematic inspirations, and the themes and subject matters that may feature in his future projects.
Chronicles of a Wandering Saint is a 2024 Spanish-language fantasy comedy-drama from Argentina, starring Mónica Villa as a middle-aged woman who encounters divine forces after trying to fake a miracle.
Dusk for a Hitman is a 2023 crime drama film set in the 1970s, following the most feared hitman in the Montreal underworld, Donald Lavoie (Éric Bruneau).
Director Tom Tykwer heart-racing film Run Lola Run focuses on three alternate timelines and shows us how even the smallest choices can have huge effects.