In the Shadow of the Cypress – Interview with Film Co-Writers / Co-Directors Hossein Molayemi and Shirin Sohani
A Mans World: Gender Ratios in Popular Culture It is no secret that the male to female ratio is uneven when it comes to fictional works,...InfographicsThe CineFiles
Kingsman: The Secret Service Church Infographic Kingsman: The Secret Service is not a film for the faint-hearted.Within the first ten minutes, a man has been...InfographicsThe CineFiles
The Before & After Transformations of the Shaun of the Dead Extras In my review of Shaun of the Dead, I praised its attention to detail and the thought that...Behind the ScenesThe CineFiles
Horror Movie Final Girls Through the Ages [Infographic] In the horror movie genre, a 'final girl' is the last surviving female in the movie who gets...InfographicsThe CineFiles
The First & Last Frames of Famous Films When it comes to a frame in a film there’s a lot to consider, especially when it’s...Fan MadeFilm StillsThe CineFiles
Genre of the Dead: When Zombies Infected Popular Culture [Infographic] Whether you like it or not, zombies are here to stay. From their humble beginnings in the fifties...InfographicsThe CineFiles
Movie Barcodes: The Colors of Pixar Movie Barcodes are the entire frames of a film compressed into a barcode. Below are barcodes for Pixar’s...Fan MadeThe CineFiles
Upstream Color [2013] Lifecycles Poster (Spoilers) One thing that’s most interesting to note after viewing the careful threading of these individual characters throughout Upstream...Movie PostersThe CineFiles
Mad World: The Vehicles of Fury Road It was a bit difficult to think that the vehicles in the Mad Max universe could be better...Fan MadeMovie PostersThe CineFiles
The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) Matchbook Family Tree Attention Wes Anderson fans! Something really, really cool just happened. The artist Dan Franklin has made an amazing...Fan MadeThe CineFiles
VHS Retro Cover Art for Modern Movies & TV Shows As much as we’d like to say how awful the VHS tape was with its numerous issues it...Fan MadeThe CineFiles
Fincher Facts: Facts & Figures About Director David Fincher [Infographic] Any film buff knows who David Fincher is. It’s nearly impossible to be a fan of contemporary film...InfographicsThe CineFiles
Coming Soon from Pixar – Release Dates to Upcoming Films 2015-2019 Pixar just pulled a Marvel and announced their upcoming slate of films. The company thankfully has two original...The CineFiles
Friday the 13th – Evolution of Jason Voorhees [Infographic] When one thinks of classic horror movie villains, what comes to mind? The xenomorph, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger,...InfographicsThe CineFiles