An absolutely impressive first feature, Cyrano brings together a fantastic ensemble and a delightful script that balances perfect beats and tone throughout to bring to life the wonderful story of the creation of one of the greatest plays ever written.
A reboot of the successful film from over a decade ago. This time David Harbour is behind the demon’s make-up along with Ian McShane and Milla Jovovich.
Vice is the not so well known tale of how former US Vice President Dick Cheney rose to power over several decades through the US government and how he may have become the most dominant right-hand man in all of modern day politics.
In the film, a filmmaker makes a film about an adult film star who makes money by humiliating men over the internet. After meeting her online, he travels to her home to understand her lifestyle in person.
Coppola highlights a sincere feeling of disparity between setting and character transfixing the viewer in a state of wonder, as we gaze upon this new world of harsh lights and beaming neon.
Greta is the latest thriller from Oscar-winning film-maker Neil Jordan which focuses on Frances McCullen (Chloë Grace Moretz), a 20-something waitress who stumbles upon a cash-filled handbag on NYC’s Subway.